Futures for Learning Analytics in ECTEL24

Workshop: Krems, Austria | 16 September 2024 | https://ea-tel.eu/ectel2024/

Call for Papers


Learning analytics has become a mainstream area of research and practice within educational technology. Many European researchers in technology-enhanced learning are also working on topics related to the use of data from technologies designed to support or augment learning environments. With the latest advances and fast-moving integration of AI-powered technology into educational settings, these educational data and their use have become of paramount importance. The quality of the data and its relevance and utility for learning go hand in hand with ethical considerations and risks related to data misuse. The ability of stakeholders to understand and interpret the data against their practices are closely related to the impact data may have. The workshop calls for strategic alignment of effort in learning analytics among ECTEL members who build educational technologies and study their relationship to learning. Although institutional and national priorities shape much of this effort, united attention to scholarly and practical issues specific to the European context can spearhead this development. The workshop will be structured to help ECTEL researchers and practitioners interested in learning analytics and working in the European context at different seniority levels contribute to the broad conversation of what matters in learning analytics for Europe and shape the future agenda and activities of the ECTEL Special Interest Group in Learning Analytics. The workshop will provide a venue for discussions among national interest groups, such as those represented by Nordic and Spanish learning analytics networks, on how to bring forward European perspectives for the future of learning analytics.


Before the COVID-19 period, ECTEL had a learning analytics SIG focused on evidence (LACE) and was closely aligned with the activities of SOLAR. The work of this SIG had an important impact on European research in learning analytics, providing European researchers with a space to converge and have conversations that were not regional yet did not require intercontinental travel. The current momentum in the development of educational technologies can be described by the widespread use of learning analytics in TEL, making this relevant to a broader body of TEL members. It is also now that the coupling of the learning data and AI has become paramount. A TEL sub-community is needed to discuss the priorities for ECTEL learning analytics


White Paper from LA SIG that outlines strategic priorities for thematic and policy level activities for the SIG within ECTEL. This whitepaper will discuss the current development and main challenges for LA in Europe.

CFP – Futures of Learning Analytics in ECTEL (FLA-EC)

SUBMISSION LINK – Workshop Short name is FLA-EU24 in EasyChair

We invite researchers in technology-enhanced learning working on topics related to using data from technologies designed to support or augment learning environments to submit a poster. We encourage posters that communicate exciting research or blue sky vision. The poster may contain an idea, a work in progress, or a vision for an area that you are working in. The argument for the research direction or need must be articulated and positioned about existing work in learning analytics and technology-enhanced learning.

The Program Committee will review the posters and will allow the participants to create a starting point for a shared conversation throughout the workshop. We hope these posters can provide input for the visions and research directions for learning analytics in ECTEL.

Topics of interest

Poster topics can address any of the following topics or another topic relevant to the future of learning analytics in technology-enhanced learning.

  • Educational Technologies (incl. VR/AR and other emerging EdTech)

  • Evidence of impact from learning analytics

  • Theories of learning and instruction with technology

  • Measurement of learning processes

  • Multimodal learning analytics

  • Human-centered learning analytics

  • Ethics, privacy, regulations and policies

  • European challenges in learning analytics research

  • Quality education for underrepresented groups

  • Learning communities and contexts

  • Learning analytics adoption

  • Bridging research, policy and practice in learning analytics

  • Data-informed decision-making and feedback interfaces

  • Generative AI and learning analytics